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(Ny side: There's a saying that rock and roll stars live on the edge and drive-in the fast lane. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, and Michael Hutchence of INXS did exactly that...)
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Nåværende revisjon fra 9. aug. 2019 kl. 10:25

There's a saying that rock and roll stars live on the edge and drive-in the fast lane. Kurt Cobain of Nirvana, Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, and Michael Hutchence of INXS did exactly that. They certainly were music icons who lived o-n the edge. Sorry to say, their fame and fortune also resulted in their untimely deaths. What's more alarming is these stars die a couple of years after achieving fame. Media of rock stars and other music symbols dying young is worrying, because their deaths are related to material over-dose.

A recent study conducted in Liverpool John Moores University showed that 1,050 American and European artists or so-called celebrities died sooner than average people. Of the 100 stars that died from 1956 to 2005, bulk of these American music celebrities died at the age of 42 typically, while those from Europe passed away at 3-5 years of age. The reason why? Harmful lifestyle, inappropriate diet, drug addiction, and alcohol and substance abuse. Furthermore, area of the issue is living with the stress and anxiety associated with popularity.

According to the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, drug and alcohol would be the major factors behind many deaths of music stars, which accounted for one in every four deaths. Alcohol damages the body in a variety of ways. It can affect the mind and can result in poor coordination, bad wisdom, slowed reactions, altered perspective, memory lapses, and blackouts. Alcohol can harm many organs in the body. It is consumed directly in-the system and increases the danger of acquiring life-threatening illnesses like cancer. Extremely high doses of alcohol can even cause alcohol accumulation, coma, or even death.

It's an undeniable fact that lots of celebrities and music personalities get excited about the exorbitant and repeated use of drugs and substances. Large doses of many illegal drugs can cause immediate life-threatening problems like heart attack, respiratory failure, and coma. The mixture of alcohol and drugs are extremely dangerous. In addition, some drugs may have harmful interactions with alcohol. If you know anything, you will maybe hate to learn about The human body could only handle a lot of toxins at the same time, here is the reason illegal drugs shouldn't be taken with alcohol. There are times that medicine can chemically interact with alcohol, when take-n with alcohol it disperses faster in-the system and take effect faster. These are-the reasons why drug and alcohol overdose is one of the leading cause of death among music icons and many individuals.

The number of rock stars who died and are dying at a young age is reason behind alarm for society because many artists are powerful among children and young people. They wish to be like themthe stone gods. The young people hero-worship them. They buy their pictures, watch their events, and also make an effort to dress like them. A good deal young people want to be like rock stars. They desire recognition, income, and other expensive stuff. Teenagers of today want to be rock stars greater than anything else. They wish to beat the drums real hard, play loud music to be produced by the guitars, and sing loud songs. If you have an opinion about food, you will likely desire to explore about US Drug Overdose Deaths Drop for First Time Since 1990. The teenagers want to go through the inspiration why these stone icons state they feel whenever they're on stage. Sorry to say, most of the fame, fortune, and money were not able to change the fact that many rock stars and music icons died early.

Jimi Hendrix, Elvis Presley, Kurt Cobain, and Jordan Hutchence What went wrong? Were they considered drugs and other banned substances and inundated by reputation that they lost get a grip on of truth? It's clear these rock stars weren't happy at all. Death in a few ways make people more interesting and popular than these were still living. However, dead rock stars are reminders of the pain and depression which could take place as negative effects of fame..