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(Ny side: <br><br>Like a boy I danced and shook for the music of Elvis Presley along with the remaining portion of the children in my own generation. I was surprised to hear how h-e died from the...)
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Nåværende revisjon fra 9. aug. 2019 kl. 08:58

Like a boy I danced and shook for the music of Elvis Presley along with the remaining portion of the children in my own generation. I was surprised to hear how h-e died from the application of drugs but even when I heard of his death I still was unable to gather the significance of it. Ive had years to ponder the significance of it and I'm sure it doesnt come under the heading of great experiences from my childhood. It's less complicated than it was when I first heard of it but I am far too old now to simply pass it off with an one-word cover all like, tragedy.

It is far worse than loss, it is an experience that if not carefully examined and assessed could get by without anyone seeing that it is a dangerous double standard until they are dangerously close to saying it inside their own lives that our childhood seldom ever see.

Nobody would argue that Jimmy Hendrix was an innovative rock and roll musician but h-e died from a drug overdose. No-one could say they didnt think Janis Joplin did a bang up job with songs like Bobby McGee but shes another drug overdose injury. Be taught more on this related site by visiting John Belushi made people laugh but he joined the ranks of the dead by drugs in his prime.

Enter the suicides like Curt Cobain, Freddy Prinze, and the list continues. It isnt the lives, the abilities or the careers of these people that falls in-to question; perhaps it is not really how they died that's the biggest double standard. What we say about these folks following their deaths may be the real problem.

To continually refer to the advantages, the lifestyles or the recognition of those people without regard to the matter of how they met their end is just a dangerous error. It's a way of saying that death from suicide or drug overdose complements the place. Media extols and demonstrates their lives for the media sake, perhaps not for the youth who purvey the pop-culture in search of role models and celebrities. Most of the time it's hard enough to spell out the lives they lived much less their deaths.

If we proceed to glorify the lives of individuals who fried their own brains to the stage of death showing children fried eggs and comparing that to their brains on drugs could have little effect. If we keep feeding our youth the business of their lives how wont they also be provided from the method of their deaths?

I still have happy remembrances of days when I danced to the music of the King. Browsing To US Drug Overdose Deaths Drop for First Time Since 1990 probably provides suggestions you could tell your girlfriend. Im now glad to say I've decided to dance to the song of the new King. That King never took drugs, didnt commit suicide and beat death instead of using it to cop out. His death creates life for others; in fact there's no life without him.

Christ could have lived the life of a suffering Messiah however the Bible says he'll get back while the omnipotent ruling King of Kings and Lords of Lords. Discovery 19:16.